Saturday, December 5, 2015

"My Soul to Keep" by Kennedy Ryan

Oh my... I can't even; this book is so damn beautiful, inside and out, I can't wait to get my hands onto one of those paperbacks!

This wasn't my first read by Kennedy Ryan, and what I had previously read by her was great, but this... this is amazing! It's one of those books that you can't put down because you want to know what'll happen next, but at the same time you don't want to finish reading it, because you don't want it to end.
Like, ever.
And just when you think you know what'll happen next, or how the book will end, Kennedy Ryan throws a twist your way that will be catching you off guard. Unfortunately I feel like this will be one of my shortest reviews, because... all I can say is... go get a copy and get reading, because you're missing out if you won't! Honestly, if I could, I'd love to make this a 6-star review!
(You have no idea how hard it is to keep this review spoiler-free!)

My Soul to Keep is a story of loss, love, struggle and intrigues, friendship and family. It shows you how much you can achieve if you just believe in yourself, if you don't let your past drag you down and define you, and if you surround yourself with people that support you – people that matter.
It's a book that had me in tears with its first chapter, but that had me giggle and laugh just as much as it made my heart feel heavy. It contains the perfect balance to make the story seem possible and real, despite being a rockstar romance; and, most importantly, neither Rhyson nor Kai are perfect – both of them are deep, raw, vulnerable and human – My Soul to Keep doesn't deliver a damsel in distress and an uber-hero, but two people that are – despite, or maybe because of their respective baggage – finding themselves in each other.

It is no secret that I fell in love with the book's cover when it was revealed, and the blurb easily caught my interest. Knowing Kennedy's writing I knew I'd be in for a treat, but I honestly hadn't expected to love the book quite as much as I did, do, and will once I am re-reading it as soon as I have a paperback. My Soul to Keep is amazingly well written, introduces characters that you can't help but fall in love with, and will definitely keep you craving more... bring on part two!

6/5 ;-)

 [as previously mentioned, my internet access if very limited at the moment... blurb, author info, more links as well as graphics to follow once I am back to being better connected <3]

*** I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review ***

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